About us

  • We belong to the oldest patients' organizations of patients with liver diseases in Slovakia. We were established in 2006 responding to the spontaneously felt need of mutual support, help, and education of patients and their relatives during some time ago very demanding course of active treatments of chronic viral hepatitis B and C.  
  • At present, after the advent of very effective and usually also well-tolerated drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C, we see an increasing need to help the patients with other serious liver diseases, such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH; more recently depicted as metabolically-associated steatohepatitis (MASH)), autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), liver fibrosis and cirhosis, primary biliary cholangitis (PBS), primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), drug -induced liver injury (DILI), cholestasis of pregnancy, and others.    
  • During the previous period of our existence and work we provided to our members and their relatives in-person (or telephone) patients' consultations, mutual communication and support, useful information about diagnostics and treatment, as well as contact to the physicians - specialists in hepatology collaborating with our organization. The information about our history will be added to this webpage as soon as possible. It is missing here, because the previous web page was brought down (hacked) in 2022.   
  • We became an official member of the European Liver Patients Association (ELPA). More information about ELPA - here.